Sonntag, 25. September 2011

Batman Begins (Complete Recording Session)

Hans Zimmer & James Newton Howard - Batman Begins (Complete Recording Session)
01 Opening Titles/Young Bruce Falls
02 Prison Nightmare
03 Meeting Ducard
04 The Long Walk
05 Monastery
06 Father To The Rescue
07 Bruce’s Discomfort
08 Mugging (Part 1)
09 Mugging (Part 2)
10 Training
11 Campfire
12 Courthouse (Part 1)
13 Your System Is Broken
14 Meeting Falcone
15 Decision
16 Hide In The Dark
17 Initiation Into League/Temple Fight
18 Return To Gotham
19 Crane Warns Rachel (Part 1)
20 Crane Warns Rachel (Part 2)
21 The Bat Cave
22 Wayne Enterprises
23 Prototypes
24 Preparing Equipment
25 Batman Visits Gordon
26 Why Bats
27 Dockyard Ambush 

01 Rachel Attacked
02 Microwave Stolen
03 Meeting Rachel
04 Crane’s Mask
05 Gordon At Home
06 Batman On Fire
07 Finders Keepers
08 Fox Is Fired
09 Making Medicine
10 Fight In Crane’s Lab
11 Back Up
12 Batmobile Chase
13 Rachel In Bat Cave
14 Your Father’s Name
15 Crane Interrogated
16 Ducard Appears
17 Ducard & Gotham’s Fate/Bruce Left For Dead
18 Antidote
19 Batman Arrives
20 Rescue Rachel
21 Final Confrontation
22 Train Fight
23 Danger Over
24 Surveying The Ruins
25 Gordon Says Thanks
26 End Credits

01 Ra's Al Ghul Suite
02 Batman Theme
03 Prison Nightmare (Alternate Mix)
04 Monastery (Alternate Mix)
05 Father To The Rescue (Alternate Mix)
06 Mugging (Part 1) (Alternate Mix)
07 Mugging (Part 2) (Alternate Mix)
08 Training (Alternate Mix 1)
09 Training (Alternate Mix 2)
10 Campfire (Alternate Mix 1)
11 Campfire (Alternate Mix 2)
12 Your System Is Broken (Alternate Mix)
13 Meeting Falcone (Alternate Mix)
14 Decision (Alternate Mix)
15 Crane Warns Rachel (Part 1) (Alternate Mix)
16 Crane Warns Rachel (Part 2) (Alternate Mix)
17 Preparing Equipment (Alternate Mix)
18 Why Bats? (Alternate)
19 Batman On Fire (Alternate)
20 Batmobile Chase (Alternate Mix)
21 Gordon Says Thanks (Alternate Mix) 
22 Original End Credits 



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