Samstag, 24. September 2011

The Lion King (Complete Recording Session)

Hans Zimmer - The Lion King (Complete Recording Session)
01 Circle of Life
02 Life Isn't Fair, Is It?
03 The Once and Future King
04 Plotting
05 The Elephant Graveyard
06 Kings of the Past
07 Hyenas
08 Stampede
09 ...To Die For
10 What Have You Done?/Run Away
11 Death of The King
12 A New Era/Bowling for Buzzards
01 On Our Side/Simba Awakens
02 Is Alive
03 Hunting/Pinned Again/Reunion
04 Love Theme
05 The King is Back
06 Fire
07 Remember
08 This Land
09 Alternate
10 This Land (Mix Version) 

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